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Advice from the BP Measurement Experts

World Heart Day

World Heart Day

Word Heart Day is an occasion to focus on heart health. An opportunity to raise awareness of prevention, detection and management of cardiovascular disease.1

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Vet30 in the Wild Series: Cheetahs


By Dr Fabiola Quesada, DVM MsD MRCVS


Co-Founder & Executive Director Wild Spirit Fund

CEO Wild Spirit



Dr. Fabiola Quesada, DVM MsD MRCVS, is the Co-Founder & Executive Director at the Wild Spirit Fund. Wild Spirit Fund is a non-profit organization, born out of a decade of work in Africa and led by an international network of wildlife professionals, scientists, and veterinarians. Based in South Africa, their mission is to ensure the health and protection of wildlife in the natural ecosystem in which they live.

Wild Spirit Fund is based on the scientific movements of "Wildlife Conservation Medicine" and "One Health"; the former aims to identify the impact of the human footprint on the natural ecosystem; both assume the intimate correlation between the health of ecosystems, animals, and humans.

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High Blood Pressure and COVID-19

NOTE: COVID-19 is an evolving public health emergency. The following information is based on currently available guidance, however, is it not intended to replace guidance from state and local health authorities or your doctor. Always consult your doctor for any health questions you may have.

It can be hard to stay on top of all the news about the coronavirus pandemic and the various symptoms and risk factors. How is blood pressure related to the risk of COVID-19? Should I keep taking my blood pressure medications? Is it too risky to go to the doctor or hospital during the pandemic? SunTech Medical, the leader in blood pressure technology and solutions, has put together the following resources to help you answer those questions and more.

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New Guidelines for Measuring Blood Pressure from the American Heart Association


American Heart Association Logo

The American Heart Association just released a scientific statement on blood pressure (BP) measurement that outlines new guidelines for accurately measuring blood pressure. This is the first time the AHA has made significant updates to their recommendations since 2005. In the statement they describe and compare different methods of measuring BP and make many recommendations. What are the key points that a physician should learn from this new paper?


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Can Music Improve Data from Stress BP Tests?


Man undergoing a Stress Blood Pressure Test

Anyone who has had a stress test knows that stress tests are not easy and can even be painful! The commonly-used Bruce protocol for treadmill exercise tests includes 7 stages of 3 minutes each. The first stage starts at a 10% grade at a speed of 1.7 miles per hour. Each stage increases by 2% and between 5-9 miles per hour. Even though a stress test can last for over 20 minutes, most people don't last longer than seven minutes on the treadmill. However, it is important to keep going as long as possible to collect lots of data and be sure to reach the target heart rate. Each additional minute of a stress test could yield important information about the heart's condition.


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5 Factors That Can Affect Your Pet’s Blood Pressure Readings

Female Vet with Cat

A blood pressure check is one of the first procedures done when you go to the doctor. So it should be no surprise that your veterinarian will likely check your pet’s blood pressure, too!

It is becoming more and more common for vets to regularly check blood pressure at every checkup. However, many pet owners do not realize that their pet’s blood pressure is constantly changing in response to many factors. Being aware of these factors and ensuring that your pet is comfortable in its environment will help the vet to get the most accurate blood pressure reading. Here is a list of 5 factors that may cause significant changes in your pet’s blood pressure:

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