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Dear Valued SunTech Partner,

SunTech Medical has made the decision to shut down our United Kingdom office located in Eynsham.  We will continue to fully support you as we transition our shipping and customer repairs to our facility in North Carolina, USA.   We expect that for most of our customers this transition should be relatively minor and we want to make this transition as smooth as possible for you.

Effective 20 Jul, all new purchase orders and requests for repair will be handled through our USA office.  Please start to send any PO or RMA requests directly to the USA office (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or +1 919 654 2300).  Any existing purchase orders or repairs placed with the UK facility that are not shipped prior to August 14 will be transitioned to our USA office and shipped/repaired from there.   

We value your business and look forward to working through this change with you.  

If you have any questions about this transition, how it may affect you or how we can make it easier for you, please contact your account manager, Trina Ayers (Director of Customer Service) or me.  

Best Regards,

Michael Williams
Vice President of Operations