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Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) Rates Influencing Patients’ Hospital Selection

Empty patient waiting roomBeing a part of the healthcare industry, we know that reducing healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), such as MRSA (Methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus) and C.Diff (Clostridium Difficile), continues to be a top priority for hospitals everywhere.  What is surprising though is that based on a survey conducted in July 2011, prospective patients are becoming increasingly aware of a hospital’s ability to protect their patients from HAIs and are using this information as a major factor in determining where they seek care.

 The survey also found:

  • 34% of Americans have, or know someone who has, acquired an infection while in a hospital setting.
  • 75% of Americans says it is more important to choose a hospital based on lower infection rates than convenience (for non-emergency situations).
  • 94% of Americans would choose a hospital that is using the latest technology available to reduce or prevent the spread of HAIs.

Although hospitals are always looking to reduce costs while continuing to improve patient care, these survey results show the importance of having an effective infection control program.  Disposable cuffs have shown to be play an important part in reducing the transmission of HAIs, when one cuff is dedicated to one patient throughout their entire hospital stay.

Public reporting of hospital infection rates is a powerful tool in holding hospitals accountable for reducing the transmission of HAIs and is playing an important role in encouraging patients to choose high quality, low-cost care.  However, requirements for reporting this information publicly, vary state to state.  Download our eBook to see what your state requires.  (Chart found on page 7.)  We invite you to share your thoughts or comments below.


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