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Disposable Blood Pressure Cuffs a Key Part of Infection Control Strategy

Watch HAI Animated Video Now

Much has been written lately on the changing landscape of healthcare, and how many hospital executives are targeting quality, safety and infection control as a way to improve outcomes and lower costs. Of particular concern is reducing the occurrence of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) and patient readmissions.

As a manufacturer of disposable blood pressure cuffs, we at SunTech Medical are quite aware of the potential cost implications on a healthcare facility when HAIs occur. We've read a lot of research and articles on HAI costs and the role disposable cuffs can play in combating cross-contamination. Like this one from the RN Journal website.

In an effort to pull some of this information into one place, we've put together a short animated video to help drive awareness that disposable blood pressure cuffs play a key supporting role in helping hospitals improve infection control and patient safety. Have a look at the video below and please, share with your colleagues!





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