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Advice from the BP Measurement Experts

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Top 5 Blog Posts of 2012

Holiday trees illustration

As we look forward to the coming new year, we wanted to take a moment to look back at the most popular posts from this year. We'd like to wish all of our friends and followers of Blog@SunTech a Happy Holidays and safe New Year. Unless claims that the end of the world is upon us are true, we'll see you next year!

  1. You're Doing It Wrong: New Study on BP Measurement
  2. Top 7 Reasons You Should Be Using Automated Blood Pressure for Cardiac Stress Testing
  3. Determining BP Device Accuracy: Who Has It Right
  4. 5 Myths About Vital Signs Automation and EHR's
  5. 3 Things to Consider When Measuring Your BP at a Kiosk


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