Zoe Medical was founded in 1996 with the goal of providing affordable, high quality, patient monitoring systems to under-served healthcare sectors including the home health monitoring field. Based in Massachusetts, Zoe Medical has in-house expertise in the areas of medical device design, manufacturing, regulatory compliance and field service. We design, build and sell patient monitoring systems under our own name, and also license our technology to other companies in the form of design services. We are FDA-registered and have experience with the 510(k) regulatory process for sales in the USA. In addition, we are certified to apply the CE Mark to medical devices for sales in the European Union. Zoe Medical aims to provide an ethical and honorable way to grow profitably with performance that surpasses the expectations of those who are served by the company. Our desire is to reintegrate patients more quickly into normal family and community life. This is reflected in our company name “Zoe”, which comes from the Greek word for “abundant life”. zoemedical.com.