Partner Update: SunTech Medical and Authentidate Play Significant Role in Providing Higher Quality Health Care for Veterans

Veterans Marching with Flags

A recent report from the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) showed that veterans enrolled in home-based telehealth care receive higher quality care at a lower cost compared to those receiving traditional in-office care. A projected 4% reduction in costs were reported in the first year for 608,900 veterans receiving telehealth care.

SunTech Medical delivers its Advantage OEM NIBP module to the VA via its partner Authentidate, the manufacturer of one of the most advanced monitoring devices on the market – The Electronic House Call. It’s through patient monitoring products such as this that veterans are seeing a positive difference.

“We are thrilled to be a part of the technology that is positively impacting the quality of care provided to our veterans,” says Dayn McBee, CEO of SunTech Medical.

And according to the report, the good news doesn’t stop there. Adam Darkins, author of the report and chief consultant for telehealth services at VA, noted that the number of veterans receiving telehealth care is increasing by about 22% each year. In addition, the study found that for FY 2013, home telehealth services reduced bed days of care by 59% and reduced hospital readmissions by 35%

Sunil Hazaray, Authentidate’s VP and Chief Commercial Officer, states “Our customers, including The Department of Veterans Affairs, have learned that incorporating telehealth solutions into their patient monitoring program can shrink care costs and improve illness outcomes for patients with CHF, Diabetes, COPD, Hypertension, and other chronic diseases.”

The Electronic House Call has an easy to read 8 ½ inch, color touch screen display and takes patient vital signs using the latest in wired and wireless peripherals.  It connects with the web service via cellular data, phone line or Ethernet.

For more information on SunTech Medical’s Advantage OEM NIBP modules or our full line of clinical-grade, NIBP products and technologies, call 1.800.421.8626, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit

About Authentidate

Authentidate Holding Corp. (Authentidate®) is a provider of software and patient monitoring products that enable providers, payers and facilities to care for patients outside of a hospital in real-time. The company’s care coordination solutions ensure that patients stay healthy, stick to their care plans, and avoid costly hospital re-admissions and ER visits. The company’s products include: Inscrybe Hospital Discharge – a patient placement and discharge optimization tool, InscrybeMD Electronic House Call and IVR – remote patient monitoring via stand-alone device or Interactive Voice Response and Inscrybe Healthcare – a referral management and document tracking solution. For more information on Authentidate and their Electronic House Call call +1 908 787 1700, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit