SunTech 247 Diagnostic Station Updated with EMR Capability

Morrisville, NC — SunTech Medical announces the product update release of their SunTech 247 spot check device, now available with optional Bluetooth technology to enable the wireless transmission of vital signs data to a physician’s electronic medical records (EMR) system.

“Our customers have expressed the importance of EMR connectivity in their facilities,” says Dayn McBee, CEO at SunTech. “The SunTech 247 with Bluetooth is the first major step in meeting the need for portable vital signs data. As a next step, we look forward to partnering with multiple EMR software providers to develop additional connectivity solutions to integrate our device with their EMR solutions.”

In conjunction with the release of Bluetooth capability, the company is releasing a Software Development Kit (SDK) that will facilitate the development of customized data integration applications for EMR software providers and their customers. The SDK will provide the flexibility that SunTech 247 customers need to ensure future connectivity solutions as the nascent EMR market continues to mature and grow.

The SunTech® 247™ Diagnostic Station provides an affordable replacement for manual blood pressure devices with the potential to be expanded to measure other vital signs. A unique modular design allows customers to configure the unit to their specific needs and budgets. The base unit can measure blood pressure automatically or manually using SphygMode™ and is now available with optional Bluetooth technology. Other parameters, such as temperature and pulse oximetry, can be added at any time. Additionally, the SunTech 247 comes in a variety of mounting options to accommodate multiple workflow environments.

About SunTech Medical

For over twenty years, SunTech Medical has been the preeminent supplier of clinical grade blood pressure monitoring products and technologies.

Currently, more than 75 companies trust SunTech Medical's OEM non-invasive blood pressure technologies for their patient monitoring systems. SunTech produces the leading cardiac stress test blood pressure monitor and is the world's foremost manufacturer of ambulatory blood pressure monitors. Additionally, SunTech Medical offers blood pressure solutions for spot check monitoring as well as a complete line of blood pressure cuffs designed for general and specific applications. Visit for more information.